Tuesday 2 October 2012

Robert Pattinson: World’s Sexiest Man…Again!

Sigh. Robert Pattinson was voted (or should I say elected) the world’s sexiest man for the fourth freakin’ time, and I think he’s only shaved maybe ten times throughout the process! I understand that he is super handsome, but I really think that it’s just people’s obsession with the romantic side of Twilight that gets them going. I mean, is he really that out of the ordinary? I think I saw an equally handsome guy at the museum today…seriously. Anyway, according to the 40,000 people who voted in Glamour magazine’s poll, he’s the one. Forget Brad Pitt, forget Johnny Depp, forget John Mayor… it’s R-Patz once again. The only really cool thing about him is ANYTHING he has done other than Twilight. Water for Elephants was nice, Remember Me was awesome…but Twilight? Not so much. Also, you may have read that he and Kristen Stewart might be getting back together. That’s very noble of him, but I am suspicious. I think maybe this the ENTIRE thing is a conspiracy by Summit. Interest was seriously falling in the franchise…until of course the cheating scandal hit. The actual list makes me feel a little better, but I just don’t know who half [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/T5j55_HsLe8/

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